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Supporting those in real need


Pschysophrenia is among the worst mental-health issues. We wanted to simultaneously show that we understood the effects on patients lives and dramatize how our support programs could help.

Lots of really creative, award-winning mental health campaigns get attention by dramatizing the problem. Thinking of those amazing painted nightmare-scapes for Risperdal back in the day. But...

What mental health specialist doesn't already know what the disease does? Showing the problem is overdone. This had to be problem AND solution.

For Fazaclo (Jazz Pharma) there was the added challenge of it basically being a branded version of an age-old therapeutic option. It's basically no different than the generic. So the key was the support services. Those combined with an efficacious, trustworthy product could help put the patient's life back together. It was a rare example of leading with support and pushing efficacy to the side.

This campaign was the intellectual property of the Hal Lewis Group and Jazz Pharma


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