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Representing the Rent-a-Reps


A cool B-to-B project marketing PDI contract sales forces. Twisted CTA headlines purposely make readers say... "What?"

This was a series of copy-driven ads that helped potentential partners for PDI to envision different scenarios that would demand additional sales help temporarily. PDI would then supply the staff on a contractual basis. The copy twist in each headline is an intentional mind bender teasing readers into the body copy. Yes, body copy is important sometimes. Don't let the art folks tell you that you should always be able to tell a complete story with just a headline and visual. And it can't always be copy and pasted from one execution to another. These copy blocks are written like dialogue in a TV spot. They come to life in your mind. (If I do say so myself).

1) Invade Pittsburgh was meant to evoke military overtones but really it's all about a regional sales blitz

"At your word, markets are targeted. Resources are mobilized. Strategy is set. At your word, PDI On Demand can execute. With a suite of sales support services that enable you to seize market opportunities. Quickly. Efficiently. Decisively. You have the power. We have the firepower.

2) Convert Non-Believers was designed to sound religious but we're not proselytizing, it's about expanding your reach beyond the top few deciles

"At your word, new targets are identified. Messages are created. Competitors are challenged. At your word, PDI On Demand answers the call. With options like Pulsing Teams that can help you overcome existing loyalties. Quickly. Powerfully. Persuasively. You say the word. We'll spread the word.

This campaign was the intellectual property of the Vox Medica.


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